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26 Things You should STOP feeling Guilty About...
As a wife and Super busy mom of 3 kids, I've found myself feeling guilty for Many of these things mentioned in this article! We're all...
So, why did I become a Certified Health and Wellness Coach?!
So, why did I want to become a Certified Health and Wellness Coach?! And why did I create my own website/blog and Facebook page? Well......

Lemon-Ginger & Honey Throat-Tonic Tea
Recipe Lemon-Ginger & Honey Throat-Tonic Tea Ingredients · Water · Lemon (sliced) · Fresh Ginger (sliced or small chunks) · Honey...
Join my next Free Challenge!
Did you not get a chance to join my last Free 7-Day Healthy Habits Challenge? No worries! I'm starting another Free 7-Day Healthy Habits...

When a flower doesn't bloom...
#Inspiration #Quote
What's Your Zone?
Do you garden? I love to garden! Even though Fall time is now upon us... There is still gardening that can be done as well as edibles to...

Love Yourself Enough to...
#Quote #Inspiration
Stop your Negative Thoughts...
Learning to be more Mindful and more in control of your daily thoughts and slowing down your mind is crucial in controlling a harmonious...

Carrot Juice Recipe
Recipe Carrot Juice Ingredients ● 3 – large Carrots Preparation 1. Juice Carrots. 2. Pour into desired glass and Enjoy! Ready in 5...

Just a Reminder...
Just a Reminder! The other day, I mentioned that I was working on a new program that I will be offering for FREE! I am beyond excited to...

You don't get what you wish for...
#Inspiration #Quote

You're Invited!
Just a Reminder! The other day, I mentioned that I was working on a new program that I will be offering for FREE! I am beyond excited to...

You're Invited!!
Today’s the day! The other day, I mentioned that I was working on a new program that I will be offering for FREE! I am beyond excited to...

Be your own kind of Beautiful!
#Inspiration #Quote

Coming Soon!
Hi Everyone! I wanted to let you know that I’m working on something truly AWESOME for all of you! Keep an eye out for my upcoming post...
Read this article to learn... 16 Natural Ways to Relieve Your Feelings of Anxiety!
#StayingHealthy #Anxiety

ABC's, Tater and Ginger Juice
RECIPE ABC’s, Tater and Ginger Juice Ingredients ● 2 – small apples (sliced) ● 8 to 10 – Brussel sprouts ● 1 – large carrot (cut into...

Don't Be Eye Candy...
#Quote #Inspiration
Are you eating too much Sugar?!
#StayingHealthy #Sugar

Getting Excited!!!
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