New Moon in Gemini
Think it Through
A positive outcome lies ahead. However, to take this opportunity from the ethers and make it real, you need a positive mindset. On some level, you already know how to get what you want. Use your smarts. Think it through. Look for the signposts about what to do next. Ask: “What am I expecting?” Focus on positive expectations. Expectations attract. If you’re having doubts, talk to someone. Make a list of your goals. There’s a way through. Use your mind and your words to help others see things your way.
Manifesting Focus:
This card is an especially good sign for matters related to a flirtatious situation, anything written, and upset you’ve had or a relationship that feels blocked.
Manifesting Mindset:
Expressing whatever is on your mind is always a good idea, but this card also suggests you need to do some inner work and trust your intuition.
Your Manifestation Affirmation:
“Knowledge is powerful, and I am powerful.”
(Message directly from Guidebook)
